Greetings loyal ferrert Lovers!! Im Casper a sweet Albino.I rule the palace
with my queens the beautiful Cloe with her dark mask very alluring she's 4.Axel
is my other queen she's 5,she has had numerous surgeries for adrenal cancer
doing great though. They both came from the Susquehanna Valley Ferret
orphanage.But they both have royal blood you can tell! Before I became Pharoah I
lived with my sister (who passed away)and a raccoon who taught me many things.
Like climbing nothing to high or risky for me. Getting into the trash, spewing
plastic bags through the house.We all love to steal the dogs toys. I look allot
like Brad Pitt .Im always called upon to keep the cats in line. My family (loyal
subjects)love me they're always calling my name aloud. Hark! I hear it now
At present Casper is suffering from a strange infection in his lymph glands.So far it is not cancer.
Axel the eldest.Has cancer of the pancreas and adrenal glands. She
has had 2 operations. But it is back. Axel came from the Susquehanna Valley
Ferret Club Shelter with her sister Cloe. Though they are not really sisters.
She is 6 yrs. old and a sweet little girl.We love her dearly. Axel passed over
Rainbow Bridge Feb 07,1999
Links to other sites on the Web
Spooky cat|
Axel Memorial