Hi , I'm Puma. Im fairly new to the pride. Im about 4. I was a stray in
the neighborhood. But I chose my family a few years ago. I buttered them up, by
sitting outside in the summer with them ,rubbing against them. My now mom and
dad always put food out for strangers so I was always well fed. Mom and the
"DOG" use to go for a paper early in the morning , so i'd be right there. Id be
carried down two blocks. and would sit outside the mini-market and wait with the
dog. Even when Penny didn't go along I'd wait. Then I was carried back and given
food. At that time I wasn't to keen on the idea of going into the house. Don't
know why, So i was sort of happy to stay out. I had a igloo home with lots of
straw so it wasn't too bad .
Well one really cold March night last year, mom came to see if I was ok.
It was really cold and though I tried to hide it I was shivering . Mom scooped
me up and took me in the house, It was warm, plenty of food. I got to sleep on
the bed . The only baad part is TIDDLES he's a meany , bullies everyone and is a
suck up to the dog.
Long before I came in someone had neutered me. And my mom
had gotten me all kind of outdoor kitty shots.So life has been pretty good to me
now ("cept that Tiddles).
I recently joined CLAW ,come see my Purr Scouts page