
Our beloved Spooky crossed Rainbow Bridge in the early morning hours of January 29,2000. He was the light of our life.
Spooky was always a happy little guy, who loved to play with water. drink laying down.and use to make fun of our Coco when he lost an eye, by poking his head up in front of Coco and closing one of his eyes.

Spooky was a stray kitten . He was a member of CLAW of which he was quite proud.

At CLAW he had joined and was active in The ANIMAL RIGHTS Guild,FBI,Purr Scouts,Victorian Cat Society.He was employed at the CLAW MALL POSTER STORE. Where he had met many wonderful friends.

He is survived by his Mom and Dad, Puma,Tiddles,Simba,Nela his kitty brothers and sisters. Penny his Doggie sister. Frisky,Pepper,Majic his ferret siblings.

Please Accept our Thanks for remembering Spooky

If you are a Kitty Spooky would like you to remember him by joining CLAW
And join the Animal Rights Guild especially. And any or all of the wonderful Guilds .

Spooky can also be found at The PETSBURGH RAINBOW QUILT

© 2000Spooky